Day Seventy-Six Photos, Part III

This view of Morro Rock shows the sand dunes, too.

There's the successful cross-country cyclist standing in front of that big old rock.

Here I was pointing at my location on the map on my jersey.

And finally, here I am standing in front of the ocean in my wet, sandy cycling shoes. By the way, those gloves were all black at the start of my journey. The sun bleached them gray.

There was a stiff breeze blowing from the northwest. Seeing the California state flag, I was reminded of Forest Ranger Ray Bell's story of how California wanted the bear who eventually became Smokey to symbolize their flag because they didn't have a bear of their own.

Morro Rock presented a different face when  viewed from the middle of town.


Copyright © 2002-2013 David Johnsen. All rights reserved.